Mindfulness Based Anhedonia Reduction (MBAR) Therapy in reducing Major Depression in University Students.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mental Health and Special Education Assistant Professor

2 Mental Health Assistant Professor, Sohag University


Abstract: In the current research, the searchers introduce a new therapeutic approach under the name of "Mindfulness Based Anhedonia Reduction (MBAR) Therapy", and this approach was defined in terms of its objectives, foundations, techniques, theories supporting it, and its content. The current study was to identify the effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Anhedonia Reduction (MBAR) Therapy in reducing major depressive disorder among university students, and the sample consisted of 17 participants from Sohag University students, in the age range of 19-21 years, an experimental group consisting of 9 participants (5 females, 4 males). , with a mean age of 19.88 years, a standard deviation of 0.927), and a control group consisting of 8 participants (5 females, 3 males, with a mean age of 20 years, and a standard deviation of 0.925), and they were derived from 320 participants, and the Major Depression Inventory (MDI) was used (Bech, et al., 2001; 2015) Translated by the researchers, and the Anhedonia List (AL) (Abu Zaid and Abdel Hamid, 2023), a treatment program was built " Mindfulness Based Anhedonia Reduction (MBAR)", and it consisted of 16 treatment sessions, procedural objectives, session content and evaluation They are described in Appendix 1. The intervention was effective in reducing major depressive disorder and anhedonia.
