The role of positive psychology interventions to reduce psychological problems associated with COVID-19 pandemic: Prevention and Therapy Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1Department of psychology, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia, Abha. 2Department of psychology, Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University, Egypt.


This study aimed to reveal the role of positive psychology in treatment mental problems and disorders related to COVID-19. Also, to detect the strategies of positive psychology that benefit to reduce the distress related to crisis of COVID-19 of individuals. A review of the literature and previous studies that dealt with positive psychology interventions and their effectiveness in treating mental disorders. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the well-being of the human being has led to an increase in the role of face to face and online counseling and psychotherapy, based on different theoretical approaches, and by using various techniques derived from positive psychology such as mindfulness, resilience, gratitude, acceptance and commitment, spiritual intelligence with individual from different age groups. As well as we need to apply the VRT with persons with mental disorders related to COVID-19 outbreak. Also, an acute need for counselors and psychotherapists aroused to meet the counseling, preventive, and therapeutic needs of community members. States require to strategic planning to meet the great challenges resulting from this pandemic and need to develop new policies to provide effective psychological services to members of society. Positive psychology interventions is very important to reduce the psychological problems and post-traumatic COVID-19 disorders. Thus, we need to develop a training plan for psychological services providers on the theories and techniques of online psychotherapy, and VRT principals, to empowering them to provide effective services. Moreover, we need necessary to develop an ethical charter for online psychotherapy. 
