Promoting EFL Writing Skills Using a Web-Mediated Process Genre Approach among EFL Majors at Faculties of Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Education, Banha University

2 Faculty of Education, Sohag University


The current study investigated the effects of a suggested Web-Mediated Process Genre (WMPG)-based Program on developing the writing skills of EFL majors. Participants were third year EFL majors enrolled in Sohag Faculty of Education. The two-group post-assessment design was utilized in the experiment, (N=23) for the experimental group and (N=23) for the control group. Materials and instruments of research included a test of EFL writing skills (WT) and the suggested WMPG-based program. The experiment was conducted at the beginning of the first term of academic year 2017-2018. The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group on the post- WT in favor of the experimental group. These results revealed that the suggested WMPG-based Program brought about significant gains in the writing performance of participants. Therefore, the suggested WMPGA-based program was recommended to be integrating into EFL writing instruction.
